75 Whitchurch Road

Cardiff CF14 3JP

9AM - 6PM

Mon to Fri

Optima Accountants Limited

Cloud & Digital

Digital Transformation

How an organization stores and handles the information, is key to the proper functioning in modern business world. This aspect is a key to the now-a-days term “Business Intelligence”. It could include computer based as well as paper based systems. However information technologies can act like a ‘Lever’ for your business model (just to add emphasis: Archimedes is famous to have said that get me the right LEVER and I can lift the whole universe!). The ‘Right mix of soft-wares for your business model‘ including CRMs, Cloud accounting packages like Xero, Quickbooks, Sage, Receipt-bank and EPOS systems can bring you great efficiencies in terms of valuable and timely information time as well as cost savings. They help you gain more control by providing access to realitime information about your business. With the increasing IT advancements and technology becoming easily accessible numerous softwares, Apps and devices are available in market to help SMEs. Now the key is to find the best mix or combination among them, and we are here to help you with this confusing yet important task.


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